The Phenomenon of St Petersburg Tenement Building in the 1870s – Early 20th Century Review of Dokhodnye doma Peterburga: organizatsiya, vzaimodeistvie s gosudarstvennymi i kommercheskimi strukturami, povsednevnost' (1870-e gg. – nachalo XX veka): monografiya [Tenement buildings of St Petersburg: Organization, interaction with state and commercial structures, everyday life (1870s – early 20th century): A monograph], by D.M. Demidovich (Moscow: U Nikitskikh vorot, 2023)
Full text:
The monograph under reviewed is a study of tenement buildings in St Petersburg. For the first time in historiography, they are considered not only as a place of residence of citizens but also as a space where behavioral practices are formed as well as a new system of communication with homeowners, managers, servants and also the officials of the metropolitan state and commercial structures. The statistical information presented in the work regarding rental taxes, court decisions on violations of legislative norms related to house ownership, fines for offenses in that area, and the growth in the number of telephones contribute to the creation of a full-scale picture of functioning and development of tenement buildings. The author of the monograph was among the first to analyze the system of renting out the whole tenement buildings and the relationships between citizens that were formed around that as well as the conflicts that arose and ways to resolve them.
Demidovich, D.M. “Arendnye i subarendnye otnosheniya v peterburgskikh dokhodnykh domakh kontsa XIX – nachala XX vekov” [Lease and sublease relations in St Petersburg’s tenements buildings in the late 19th – early 20th centuries]. Vestnik Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. A.S. Pushkina, vol. 4, no. 4 (2014): 26–33. (In Russian)
Demidovich, D.M. “Chto delat' so snegom zimoi? Opyt peterburgskikh domovladel'tsev vtoroi poloviny XIX – nachala XX veka” [What is to be done with snow in winter? The experience of St Petersburg house-owners in the second half of the 19th – early 20th century]. Universitetskii nauchnyi zhurnal, no. 72 (2023): 11–16. (In Russian)
Demidovich, D.M. Dokhodnye doma Peterburga: organizatsiya, vzaimodeistvie s gosudarstvennymi i kommercheskimi strukturami, povsednevnost' (1870-e gg. – nachalo XX veka): monografiya [Tenement buildings of St Petersburg: Organization, interaction with state and commercial structures, everyday life (1870s – early 20th century): A monograph]. Moscow:
U Nikitskikh vorot, 2023. (In Russian)
Demidovich, D.M. “Domovaya prisluga peterburgskikh dokhodnykh domov: dvornik kak fenomen gorodskoi zhizni” [House servants of St Petersburg tenement buildings: The dvornik as a phenomenon of urban life]. Vestnik Orlovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Novye gumanitarnye issledovaniya, no. 5 (40) (2014): 272–74. (In Russian)
Demidovich, D.M. “Kriterii vybora arendnogo zhil'ya kvartiros"emshchikami peterburgskikh dokhodnykh domov v 1870-kh godakh – nachale XX veka” [Criteria for choosing rental housing by tenants of St Petersburg tenement buildings in the 1870s – early 20th century]. Universitetskii nauchnyi zhurnal, no. 49 (2019): 70–75. (In Russian)
Demidovich, D.M. “Vzaimodeistvie domovladel'tsev peterburgskikh dokhodnykh domov s politseiskimi chinami” [Interaction of St Petersburg tenement building owners with police officials]. Nauchnoe mnenie (Psikhologo-pedagogicheskie i yuridicheskie nauki), no. 9–3 (2014): 83–88. (In Russian)
Demidovich, D.M. “Chto delat' so snegom zimoi? Opyt peterburgskikh domovladel'tsev vtoroi poloviny XIX – nachala XX veka” [What is to be done with snow in winter? The experience of St Petersburg house-owners in the second half of the 19th – early 20th century]. Universitetskii nauchnyi zhurnal, no. 72 (2023): 11–16. (In Russian)
Demidovich, D.M. Dokhodnye doma Peterburga: organizatsiya, vzaimodeistvie s gosudarstvennymi i kommercheskimi strukturami, povsednevnost' (1870-e gg. – nachalo XX veka): monografiya [Tenement buildings of St Petersburg: Organization, interaction with state and commercial structures, everyday life (1870s – early 20th century): A monograph]. Moscow:
U Nikitskikh vorot, 2023. (In Russian)
Demidovich, D.M. “Domovaya prisluga peterburgskikh dokhodnykh domov: dvornik kak fenomen gorodskoi zhizni” [House servants of St Petersburg tenement buildings: The dvornik as a phenomenon of urban life]. Vestnik Orlovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Novye gumanitarnye issledovaniya, no. 5 (40) (2014): 272–74. (In Russian)
Demidovich, D.M. “Kriterii vybora arendnogo zhil'ya kvartiros"emshchikami peterburgskikh dokhodnykh domov v 1870-kh godakh – nachale XX veka” [Criteria for choosing rental housing by tenants of St Petersburg tenement buildings in the 1870s – early 20th century]. Universitetskii nauchnyi zhurnal, no. 49 (2019): 70–75. (In Russian)
Demidovich, D.M. “Vzaimodeistvie domovladel'tsev peterburgskikh dokhodnykh domov s politseiskimi chinami” [Interaction of St Petersburg tenement building owners with police officials]. Nauchnoe mnenie (Psikhologo-pedagogicheskie i yuridicheskie nauki), no. 9–3 (2014): 83–88. (In Russian)
tenement buildings, everyday life, house owner, rent, urbanization
For citation:
Sinova, I.V. “The Phenomenon of St Petersburg Tenement Building in the
1870s – Early 20th Century Review of Dokhodnye doma Peterburga: organizatsiya, vzaimodeistvie s gosudarstvennymi i kommercheskimi strukturami, povsednevnost' (1870-e gg. – nachalo XX veka): monografiya [Tenement buildings of St Petersburg: Organization, interaction with state and commercial structures, everyday life (1870s – early 20th century): A monograph], by D.M. Demidovich (Moscow: U Nikitskikh vorot, 2023). Historia Provinciae – the Journal of Regional History, vol. 8, no. 4 (2024): 1325–37,; EDN: ZADMNW
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ISSN 2587-8344 (Online)