Editor’s Note
Dear colleagues, readers and friends!
You are reading an online journal ‘Historia Provinciae – the Journal of Regional History’, which is included in the List of Peer-Reviewed Academic Journals where major scientific results of theses for academic degrees of doctor and candidate of sciences should be published in the following scientific specialties:
07.00.02 National History (Historical Sciences)
07.00.03 World History (of a corresponding period) (Historical Sciences)
07.00.09 Historiography, Source Study and Methods of Historical Research (Historical Sciences)
07.00.15 History of International Relations and Foreign Policy (Historical Sciences)
The journal is included in the Directory of the Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
First and foremost, our journal addresses historians, but we will be glad to co-operate with researchers in other fields of social and humanitarian knowledge since interdisciplinary approachesseem most appropriate for considering the phenomenon of the province and the region. We focus on the broader understanding of the term region. A region is a part of the country, such as Northern European Russia and the Urals (if we speak about the Russian Federation), and at the same time it is a certain part of a continent, such as Southern Europe or Central Europe if European vector of history is implied. We welcome both interpretations of the concept region and hope that the broader interpretation together with the combination of different approaches results in publishing new research materials that could be of interest both for scholars and for other inquisitive readers.
Our journal is published in parallel in English and in Russian. The bilingualism of the journal appears to us to be of utmost importance in the globalizing world on the one hand, and on the other hand, in the situation when the authors reading and writing in Cyrillic might be isolated from the trends of modern scholarship available in the Latin letters. The journal publishesfull-text versions of all the articles in both languages, and translation is free of charge for the authors of the journal.
An essential feature of the journal is its availability and openness of all its materials. The journal is published online only and is available to all Internet users. It has no print version, so the texts can include visual material, maps, charts and pictures which are usually omitted due to technical difficulties and high cost of printing services. We consider visualization to be one of the main ways for modern man to process reading matter and encourage the authors to use more visual material in their texts, which facilitates better presentation of the papers and gives aesthetic pleasure to the readers.
The journal publishes research articles, historiographical review articles, discussion materials, research notes, short communications, book reviews.
The issues of the journal are themed, which means that the greater part of the articles in an issue is devoted to a certain subject. However, the scholarly ‘lower half’ of the table of contentsof an issue, an ‘appendix’, may include research notes, reviews, short communications, and articles that are not directly relevant to the theme of an issue
Olga Yurievna Solodyankina,
Doctor of Historical Sciences,
Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy, Cherepovets State University,
Editor-in-Chief of ‘Historia Provinciae – the Journal of Regional History’.