Review of the collection: The 2016 Tauride Readings. Actual problems of parliamentarism: History and modernity. International academic conference, St Petersburg, Tauride Palace, 8–9th December 2016. Collection of scientific works; in A. B. Nikolaev (Ed.).
Full text:
1. Barkhatova T.A. Obzor dokumentov Gosudarstvennogo arkhiva Tverskoj oblasti po vyboram v I Gosudarstvennuyu dumu Rossiyskoj imperii [Review of documents of the state archives of the Tver region for elections to the first State Duma of the Russian Empire] // Tavricheskie chteniya 2016. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost'. Sbornik nauchnykh statej; pod red. A.B. Nikolaeva [Tavricheskie Readings 2016. Actual Problems of Parliamentarism: History and Modernity. Collection of Scientific Articles; ed. A.B. Nikolaev]. St Petersburg: Eleksis. 2017. Vol. 2. Pp. 112–118.
2. Gavroeva E.S. M.V. Rodzyanko i B.V. Shtyurmer v 1916 g. [M.V. Rodzianko and B.V. Stürmer in 1916] // Tavricheskie chteniya 2016. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost'. Sbornik nauchnykh statej; pod red. A.B. Nikolaeva [Tavricheskie Readings 2016. Actual Problems of Parliamentarism: History and Modernity. Collection of Scientific Articles; ed. A.B. Nikolaev]. St Petersburg: Eleksis. 2017. Vol. 1. Pp. 317–325.
3. Egorov A.N. K voprosu o stepeni vliyaniya Gosudarstvennoj dumy na politicheskie nastroeniya naseleniya Rossiyskoj imperii (po materialam Vologodskoj gubernii) [To the question of the degree of influence of the State Duma on the political mood of the population of the Russian Empire (based on the materials of the Vologda province)] // Tavricheskie chteniya 2016. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost'. Sbornik nauchnykh statej; pod red. A.B. Nikolaeva [Tavricheskie Readings 2016. Actual Problems of Parliamentarism: History and Modernity. Collection of Scientific Articles; ed. A.B. Nikolaev]. St Petersburg: Eleksis. 2017. Vol. 1. Pp. 307–316.
4. Kalashnikov V.V. Gosudarstvennaya duma i Fevral'skaya revolyutsiya: novejshaya istoriografiya [The State Duma and the February Revolution: Contemporary Historiography] // Tavricheskie chteniya 2016. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost'. Sbornik nauchnykh statej; pod red. A.B. Nikolaeva [Tavricheskie Readings 2016. Actual Problems of Parliamentarism: History and Modernity. Collection of Scientific Articles; ed. A.B. Nikolaev].
St Petersburg: Eleksis. 2017. Vol. 2. Pp. 43–53.
5. Karpenko K.V. “Tret'eiyun'skaya” monarkhiya i polozhenie o vyborakh 1907 g.: opyt yuridicheskoj kvalifikatsii ['The Third June' monarchy and the provision on the elections of 1907: The experience of legal qualification] // Tavricheskie chteniya 2016. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost'. Sbornik nauchnykh statej; pod red. A.B. Nikolaeva [Tavricheskie Readings 2016. Actual problems of Parliamentarism: History and Modernity. Collection of Scientific Articles; ed. A.B. Nikolaev]. St Petersburg: Eleksis. 2017. Vol. 1. Pp.174–183.
6. Nikolaev A.B. Gosudarstvennaya duma i Fevral'skaya revolyutsiya: 27 fevralya – 3 marta 1917 g. [The State Duma and the February Revolution: 27th February – 3rd March 1917] // Tavricheskie chteniya 2016. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost'. Sbornik nauchnykh statej; pod red. A.B. Nikolaeva [Tavricheskie Readings 2016. Actual problems of Parliamentarism: History and Modernity. Collection of Scientific Articles; ed. A.B. Nikolaev]. St Petersburg: Eleksis. 2017. Vol. 2. Pp. 17–42.
7. Nikolaev A.B. Predislovie [Foreword] // Tavricheskie chteniya 2016. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost'. Sbornik nauchnykh statej; pod red. A.B. Nikolaeva [Tavricheskie Readings 2016. Actual Problems of Parliamentarism: History and Modernity. Collection of Scientific Articles; ed. A.B. Nikolaev]. St Petersburg: Eleksis. 2017. Vol. 1. Pp. 6–10.
8. Nikolaev A.B. Predislovie [Foreword] // Tavricheskie chteniya 2007: Aktual'nye problemy istorii parlamentarizma v Rossii v nachale XX veka. Nauchno-prakticheskiy seminar, S.-Peterburg, Tavricheskiy dvorets, 11 dekabrya 2007. Sbornik nauchnykh statej; pod red. A.B. Nikolaeva [Tavricheskiye Readings 2007: Actual Problems of the History of Parliamentarism in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. Scientific and Practical Seminar, St Petersburg, Tauride Palace,
11th December 2007. Collection of Scientific Articles; ed. A.B. Nikolaev]. St Petersburg: Eleksis. 2008. Pp. 4–6.
9. Patrikeeva O.A. Gosudarstvennaya duma Rossiyskoj imperii v prostranstve Peterburga [State Duma of the Russian Empire in the space of Petersburg] // Tavricheskie chteniya 2016. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost'. Sbornik nauchnykh statej; pod red. A.B. Nikolaeva [Tavricheskie Readings 2016. Actual problems of Parliamentarism: History and Modernity. Collection of Scientific Articles; A.B. Nikolaev (ed.)]. St Petersburg: Eleksis. 2017. Vol. 1. Pp. 55–61.
10. Solov'ev K.A. Kadety i otvetstvennoe pered Dumoj pravitel'stvo. 1906 god [The Cadets and the government responsible to the Duma. 1906 year] // Tavricheskie chteniya 2016. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost'. Sbornik nauchnykh statej; pod red. A.B. Nikolaeva [Tavricheskie Readings 2016. Actual problems of Parliamentarism: History and Modernity. Collection of Scientific Articles; A.B. Nikolaev (ed.)]. St Petersburg: Eleksis. 2017. Vol. 1. Pp. 128–138.
11. Shchukin D.V. Ot tarelki i bufeta, do restorana: "kukhnya" v politicheskikh protsessakh i povsednevnosti rossiyskogo parlamentarizma nachala KhKh veka (po vospominaniyam chlenov partii kadetov) [From the plate and buffet, to the restaurant: 'kitchen' in the political processes and daily routine of Russian parliamentarism of the early 20th century (according to the memoirs of the members of the Cadet Party)] // Tavricheskie chteniya 2016. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost'. Sbornik nauchnykh statej; pod red. A.B. Nikolaeva [Tavricheskie Readings 2016. Actual Problems of Parliamentarism: History and Modernity. Collection of Scientific Articles; ed. A.B. Nikolaev]. St Petersburg: Eleksis. 2017. Vol. 1. Pp. 296–306.
2. Gavroeva E.S. M.V. Rodzyanko i B.V. Shtyurmer v 1916 g. [M.V. Rodzianko and B.V. Stürmer in 1916] // Tavricheskie chteniya 2016. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost'. Sbornik nauchnykh statej; pod red. A.B. Nikolaeva [Tavricheskie Readings 2016. Actual Problems of Parliamentarism: History and Modernity. Collection of Scientific Articles; ed. A.B. Nikolaev]. St Petersburg: Eleksis. 2017. Vol. 1. Pp. 317–325.
3. Egorov A.N. K voprosu o stepeni vliyaniya Gosudarstvennoj dumy na politicheskie nastroeniya naseleniya Rossiyskoj imperii (po materialam Vologodskoj gubernii) [To the question of the degree of influence of the State Duma on the political mood of the population of the Russian Empire (based on the materials of the Vologda province)] // Tavricheskie chteniya 2016. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost'. Sbornik nauchnykh statej; pod red. A.B. Nikolaeva [Tavricheskie Readings 2016. Actual Problems of Parliamentarism: History and Modernity. Collection of Scientific Articles; ed. A.B. Nikolaev]. St Petersburg: Eleksis. 2017. Vol. 1. Pp. 307–316.
4. Kalashnikov V.V. Gosudarstvennaya duma i Fevral'skaya revolyutsiya: novejshaya istoriografiya [The State Duma and the February Revolution: Contemporary Historiography] // Tavricheskie chteniya 2016. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost'. Sbornik nauchnykh statej; pod red. A.B. Nikolaeva [Tavricheskie Readings 2016. Actual Problems of Parliamentarism: History and Modernity. Collection of Scientific Articles; ed. A.B. Nikolaev].
St Petersburg: Eleksis. 2017. Vol. 2. Pp. 43–53.
5. Karpenko K.V. “Tret'eiyun'skaya” monarkhiya i polozhenie o vyborakh 1907 g.: opyt yuridicheskoj kvalifikatsii ['The Third June' monarchy and the provision on the elections of 1907: The experience of legal qualification] // Tavricheskie chteniya 2016. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost'. Sbornik nauchnykh statej; pod red. A.B. Nikolaeva [Tavricheskie Readings 2016. Actual problems of Parliamentarism: History and Modernity. Collection of Scientific Articles; ed. A.B. Nikolaev]. St Petersburg: Eleksis. 2017. Vol. 1. Pp.174–183.
6. Nikolaev A.B. Gosudarstvennaya duma i Fevral'skaya revolyutsiya: 27 fevralya – 3 marta 1917 g. [The State Duma and the February Revolution: 27th February – 3rd March 1917] // Tavricheskie chteniya 2016. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost'. Sbornik nauchnykh statej; pod red. A.B. Nikolaeva [Tavricheskie Readings 2016. Actual problems of Parliamentarism: History and Modernity. Collection of Scientific Articles; ed. A.B. Nikolaev]. St Petersburg: Eleksis. 2017. Vol. 2. Pp. 17–42.
7. Nikolaev A.B. Predislovie [Foreword] // Tavricheskie chteniya 2016. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost'. Sbornik nauchnykh statej; pod red. A.B. Nikolaeva [Tavricheskie Readings 2016. Actual Problems of Parliamentarism: History and Modernity. Collection of Scientific Articles; ed. A.B. Nikolaev]. St Petersburg: Eleksis. 2017. Vol. 1. Pp. 6–10.
8. Nikolaev A.B. Predislovie [Foreword] // Tavricheskie chteniya 2007: Aktual'nye problemy istorii parlamentarizma v Rossii v nachale XX veka. Nauchno-prakticheskiy seminar, S.-Peterburg, Tavricheskiy dvorets, 11 dekabrya 2007. Sbornik nauchnykh statej; pod red. A.B. Nikolaeva [Tavricheskiye Readings 2007: Actual Problems of the History of Parliamentarism in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. Scientific and Practical Seminar, St Petersburg, Tauride Palace,
11th December 2007. Collection of Scientific Articles; ed. A.B. Nikolaev]. St Petersburg: Eleksis. 2008. Pp. 4–6.
9. Patrikeeva O.A. Gosudarstvennaya duma Rossiyskoj imperii v prostranstve Peterburga [State Duma of the Russian Empire in the space of Petersburg] // Tavricheskie chteniya 2016. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost'. Sbornik nauchnykh statej; pod red. A.B. Nikolaeva [Tavricheskie Readings 2016. Actual problems of Parliamentarism: History and Modernity. Collection of Scientific Articles; A.B. Nikolaev (ed.)]. St Petersburg: Eleksis. 2017. Vol. 1. Pp. 55–61.
10. Solov'ev K.A. Kadety i otvetstvennoe pered Dumoj pravitel'stvo. 1906 god [The Cadets and the government responsible to the Duma. 1906 year] // Tavricheskie chteniya 2016. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost'. Sbornik nauchnykh statej; pod red. A.B. Nikolaeva [Tavricheskie Readings 2016. Actual problems of Parliamentarism: History and Modernity. Collection of Scientific Articles; A.B. Nikolaev (ed.)]. St Petersburg: Eleksis. 2017. Vol. 1. Pp. 128–138.
11. Shchukin D.V. Ot tarelki i bufeta, do restorana: "kukhnya" v politicheskikh protsessakh i povsednevnosti rossiyskogo parlamentarizma nachala KhKh veka (po vospominaniyam chlenov partii kadetov) [From the plate and buffet, to the restaurant: 'kitchen' in the political processes and daily routine of Russian parliamentarism of the early 20th century (according to the memoirs of the members of the Cadet Party)] // Tavricheskie chteniya 2016. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost'. Sbornik nauchnykh statej; pod red. A.B. Nikolaeva [Tavricheskie Readings 2016. Actual Problems of Parliamentarism: History and Modernity. Collection of Scientific Articles; ed. A.B. Nikolaev]. St Petersburg: Eleksis. 2017. Vol. 1. Pp. 296–306.
For citation:
Vsevolodov A. Review of the collection: The 2016 Tauride Readings. Actual problems of parliamentarism: History and modernity. International academic conference, St Petersburg, Tauride Palace, 8–9th December 2016. Collection of scientific works; in A.B. Nikolayev (Ed.). St Petersburg: ElekSis, 2017. Historia provinciae – the journal of regional history, 2018, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 121–132.
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