The NKVD-MVD Juvenile Labour Colonies in the Vologda Region in the 1940s
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The article describes the process of establishing and functioning of the NKVD-MVD juvenile labour colonies of the Vologda Region in the 1940s. It shows the dynamics of the number of inmates in the colonies and specific character of their education and productive activities. The author concludes that the establishment of the NKVD-MVD juvenile labour colonies in the Vologda Region in the 1940s was consistent with the growth of child homelessness and neglect during the Great Patriotic War. The activities of juvenile labour colonies at the regional level were determined by the nationwide policy aimed at eliminating homelessness, neglect and juvenile delinquency. Dur-ing the initial period, the activites of the juvenile labour colonies were adversely affected by the poor condition of facilities and resources, which made it difficult to organize production process and led to difficulties in organizing school instruction and labour training for pupils. The experience accumulated made it was possible to eliminate shortcomings in the work of juvenile labour colonies and to improve the quality of education and rehabilitation of juvenile offenders.
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im. A. Zhdanova, 1958. (In Russian)
Kalinichenko, K.V., and Yu.G. Pilyavets. “Deyatel’nost trudovykh kolonii MVD SSSR dlya nesovershennoletnikh pravonarushitelei v 50-e gody” [Activities of the USSR MVD labour colonies for juvenile offenders in the 1950s]. In Istoriya otechestvennoi ugolovno-ispolnitel’noi sistemy: sbornik statei, pod red. S.R. Shirshova [History of the national penal system: a collection of articles], edited by S.R. Shirshov, 294–306. Pskov: Yuridicheskii institut FSIN Rossii, 2006. (In Russian).
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Kuzminykh, A.L. “Deyatel’nost’ organov vnutrennikh del Vologodskoi oblasti po profilaktike detskoi besprizornosti i beznadzornosti v 1940-e gg” [Activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Vologda Region for the prevention of child homelessness and neglect in the 1940s]. In Istoricheskoe kraevedenie i arkhivy: materialy mezhregional’noi nauchnoi konferentsii. Vyp. 13 [Historical local studies and archives: materials of the interregional scientific conference. Issue 13], 103–17. Vologda: Poligrafist, 2006. (In Russian)
Kuzminykh, A.L. “Deyatel’nost’ organov vnutrennikh del Vologodskoi oblasti po bor’be s detskoi besprizornost’yu v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny” [Activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Vologda Region to fight against child homelessness during the Great Patriotic War]. In Rossiiskaya politsiya: tri veka sluzheniya Otechestvu [Elektronnyi resurs]: Materialy yubileinoi mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii, posvyashchennoi 300-letiyu rossiiskoi politsii. Sankt-Peterburg, 23–25 aprelya 2018 g., pod red. N.S. Nizhnik. Elektronnye dan. (19,6 MB). [The Rus-sian Police: Three Centuries of Serving the Native Land [Electronic resource]: Materials of the jubi-lee international scientific conference dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian police. St Petersburg, 23–25th April 2018], ed. by N.S. Nizhnik. Electronic data (19,6 MB), 975–78. St Pe-tersburg: Sankt-Peterburgskii universitet MVD Rossii, 2018. (In Russian)
Nevskii, V.V. Teoriya i praktika ispolneniya ugolovnykh nakazanii v otnoshenii nesovershen-noletnikh [Theory and practice of the execution of criminal punishments for minors]. Domodedovo: Respublikanskii institut povysheniia kvalifikatsii rabotnikov MVD Rossii, 1998. 188 p. (In Russian)
Pankratov, R.I., E.G. Tarlo, and V.D. Ermakov. Deti, lishennye svobody [Children deprived of their liberty]. Moscow: Iurlitinform, 2003. 256 p. (In Russian)
Shearer, David R. “Crime and Social Disorder in Stalin’s Russia: A Reassessment of the Retreat and Origins of Mass Repression”, Cahiers du Monde russе, vol. 39, no. 1–2 (1998): 119–48. DOI:10.3406/cmr.1998.2516
Shearer, David R. Policing Stalin's Socialism: Repression and Social Order in the Soviet Union, 1924–1953. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009. 507 р.
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Slavko, A.A. “Rol’ spetsial’nykh detskikh kolonii v bor’be s besprizornost’yu i beznadzor-nost’yu v Rossii v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny i poslevoennyi period” [The role of special juvenile colonies in the fight against homelessness and neglect in Russia during the years of the Great Patriotic War and the postwar period]. In Istoricheskie, filosofskie, politicheskie i yuridicheskie nauki, kul‘turologiya i iskusstvovedenie. Voprosy teorii i praktiki [Historical, philosophical, political and legal sciences, cultural studies and art history. Questions of theory and practice], no. 3 (4) (2009): 169–72. (In Russian)
Smirnova, N.V. “Deyatelnost’ detskikh trudovykh kolonii MVD SSSR v poslevoennyi period” [Activities of juvenile labour colonies of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs in the postwar pe-riod], Ugolovno-ispolnitelnaia sistema: pravo, ekonomika, upravlenie [Penal system: law, economics, and management], no. 2 (2004): 32–35. (In Russian)
Solomon, Peter H. Soviet Criminal Justice under Stalin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. 494 р.
Utevskii, B.S. V bor’be s detskoi prestupnost’yu. Ocherki zhizni i byta Moskovskogo trudovogo doma dlya nesovershennoletnikh pravonarushitelei [In the fight against juvenile crime. Essays on everyday life of the Moscow labour house for juvenile offenders]. Moscow: Narkomat vnutrennikh del RSFSR, 1927. 119 p. (In Russian)
Yakubson, V. “Trudovye doma dlya nesovershennoletnikh pravonarushitelei v sisteme uch-rezhdenii po bor’be s detskoi prestupnostyu” [Labour houses for juvenile offenders in the system of institutions for fighting against juvenile crime]. In Reforma tyurem i perspektivy ispravitel’no-trudovogo dela v SSSR [Prison reform and prospects for corrective labour in the USSR], 179–97. Moscow: NKVD RSFSR, 1929. (In Russian)
homelessness, neglect, juvenile delinquency, juvenile labour colonies, Vologda Region, NKVD-MVD of the USSR
For citation:
Bublichenko, V. “The NKVD-MVD Juvenile Labour Colonies in the Vologda Region in the 1940s”. Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 3, no. 1 (2019): 371–395, http://
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