The article attempts to analyze the contents and structure of the book stocks available at the rural parish churches in Northern European Russia in the middle of the 18th century, based on the material of Vologda Uyezd. The analysis is made on the basis of the archival source that has not been introduced into scientific circulation earlier. The article deals with the issue of providing parish churches with books for their liturgical activity and the prevalence of certain liturgical texts in the region. The author concludes that there was a considerable progress in providing ministration with printed literature if compared with the previous period and that sufficient repertoire of books had been accumulated in the book collections by the middle of the 18th century.
Alexey N. Krasikov
Vice-Rector for Research and Methodological Affairs
Vologda Theological Seminary,
Vologda, Russia
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For citation:
Krasikov, A. “Libraries of Rural Parish Churches in Northern European Russia in the Middle of the 18th Century (Based on the Material of Vologda Uyezd).” Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 4, no. 1 (2020): 116–40, http://