“The Dying Criminal”: The Image of the Anarchist Shlioma Asnin and the Political Struggle in Petrograd, June 1917
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The paper considers the process of forming political authority during the 1917 Russian Revolution on the example of anarchist Shlioma Asnin. The importance of belonging to a
subculture for building a political figure’s image and an enemy image is demonstrated. Various options of participation in a revolutionary subculture are considered, and mutual influence between common-criminal and revolutionary subcultures is described. Hard labor created “counter-mores” shared by both groups of criminals but social capital accumulated within political-prison subculture could not necessarily be translated into political authority at liberty. In Asnin’s case, perception of him as a revolutionary was undermined by a tattoo discovered on his body, the tattoo being linked to his common-criminal past before his “conversion” into a convinced anarchist. A revolutionary’s image was “assembled” from the elements some of which made the person unacceptable for society in general. Pathologization of opponents, in part due to subcultural identity, made political dialogue more difficult and increased the probability of violence. Methods of sociology of deviance were employed as the paper’s analytical apparatus.
subculture for building a political figure’s image and an enemy image is demonstrated. Various options of participation in a revolutionary subculture are considered, and mutual influence between common-criminal and revolutionary subcultures is described. Hard labor created “counter-mores” shared by both groups of criminals but social capital accumulated within political-prison subculture could not necessarily be translated into political authority at liberty. In Asnin’s case, perception of him as a revolutionary was undermined by a tattoo discovered on his body, the tattoo being linked to his common-criminal past before his “conversion” into a convinced anarchist. A revolutionary’s image was “assembled” from the elements some of which made the person unacceptable for society in general. Pathologization of opponents, in part due to subcultural identity, made political dialogue more difficult and increased the probability of violence. Methods of sociology of deviance were employed as the paper’s analytical apparatus.
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Parry, R. The Bonnot Gang: The Story of the French Illegalists. 2nd ed. Oakland: PM Press, 2016.
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Petrusenko, N. “Female Terrorists: Political or Just Mad? Conservative Narratives in the Historiography of Early 20th Century Female Terrorism in Russia.” Baltic Worlds, no. 4 (2017): 83–89.
Rabinowitch, A. Krovavye dni: Iyul'skoe vosstanie 1917 g. v Petrograde [Prelude to Revolution. The Petrograd Bolsheviks and the July 1917 Uprising]. Translated by T.V. Nikol'skaya. Moscow: Respublika, 1992. (In Russian)
Rabinowitch, A. Prelude to Revolution. The Petrograd Bolsheviks and the July 1917 Uprising. 1st Midland Book ed. Bloomington; Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1991.
Rublev, D.I. Rossiiskii anarkhizm v XX veke [Russian anarchism in the 20th century]. Moscow: Rodina, 2019. (In Russian)
Shcherbovich, S.M. Bor'ba trudyashchikhsya Shlissel'burgskogo uezda Petrogradskoi gubernii za ustanovlenie Sovetskoi vlasti v 1917–1918 gg. [The struggle of the working classes of
Shlisselburg Uyezd, Petrograd Governorate, for the establishment of the Soviet power in 1917– 1918]. PhD diss. Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute, 1988. (In Russian)
Siemens, D. The Making of a Nazi Hero. The Murder and Myth of Horst Wessel. Translated by D. Burnett. London; New York: I.B. Tauris, 2013.
Tarasov, K.A. Soldatskii bol'shevizm. Voennaya organizatsiya bol'shevikov i levoradikal'noe dvizhenie v Petrogradskom garnizone (fevral' 1917–mart 1918 g.) [Soldiers’ Bolshevism. Military Organisation of the Bolsheviks and the left-radical movement in the Petrograd garrison (February 1917–March 1918)]. St Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo Evropeiskogo universiteta v Sankt-Peterburge, 2017. (In Russian)
Znamenskii, O.N. Iyul'skii krizis 1917 goda [July crisis of 1917]. Moscow; Leningrad: Nauka, 1964. (In Russian)
Znamenskii, O.N., ed. Piterskie rabochie i Velikii Oktyabr' [Petrograd workers and the Great October]. Leningrad: Nauka, 1987. (In Russian)
anarchism, Russian Revolution of 1917, political authority, revolutionary
subculture, common-criminal subculture, deviancy
For citation:
Ivanov, D. “‘The Dying Criminal’: The Image of the Anarchist Shlioma Asnin and the Political Struggle in Petrograd, June 1917.” Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 4, no. 3 (2020): 884–928,
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