A Historical Study or a Political Accusation? (On the Article by D. Rogut “The A...

A Historical Study or a Political Accusation? (On the Article by D. Rogut “The Attitude of Soviet Security Organs to the Home Army (July 1944 – January 1945)”)

Andrey N. Egorov
Full text:
The article is devoted to the analysis of the publication “The Attitude of the Soviet Security Organs to the Home Army (July 1944 – January 1945)” written by the Polish historian
Dariusz Rogut. The article refutes the idea of heroization of the Home Army (Armia Krajowa, AK) and considers the reasons for the repression of the Soviet security agencies against the AK. The author proposes other interpretations of the most controversial issues raised in the article. He concludes that the article by D. Rogut is a typical example of the a priori approach, which is characteristic of a number of contemporary Polish historians associated with the Institute of National Remembrance who often set political and ideological attitudes above scientific objectivity.
Andrey N. Egorov
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
Cherepovets State University, Cherepovets, Russia
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the Second World War, Soviet-Polish relations, the Home Army, Soviet state security agencies
For citation:
Egorov, А. “A Historical Study or a Political Accusation? (On the Article by D. Rogut “The Attitude of Soviet Security Organs to the Home Army (July 1944 – January 1945)”). Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 4, no. 4 (2020): 1377–99,

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