Deputies of Vladimir Governorate in the State Duma of the Russian Empire (1906–1907)

Deputies of Vladimir Governorate in the State Duma of the Russian Empire (1906–1907)

Olga V. Kalyuzhnaya
Full text:
The article is devoted to the activities of the deputies who represented the Vladimir Governorate in the First and Second State Dumas of the Russian Empire. The existing research base on this issue is analyzed. Special features of the local elections in the territory of the governorate are revealed. The data on the influence of the local authorities’ policy on the course of elections in the peasant curia are presented. The regional peculiarities of the tactics of individual parties (the bloc of the monarchist party and the Union of October 17) in the elections to the Second Duma are indicated. The attempts of the local authorities to disqualify the most popular opposition candidates from the elections to the Second Duma (K. Chernosvitov) are presented. The collective portrait of the Vladimir Governorate deputies is given, and the main information about their social status, age, party affiliation, and education is cited. Based on this information, the article shows the similarities and differences of the Vladimir Governorate deputies of the first and second convocations from the all-Russian indicators. The statistics on the membership of the deputies from the Vladimir Governorate in the Duma commissions are indicated, and their participation in the legislative activities of the State Duma is considered. The author highlights the key issues which were of interest to the deputies of Vladimir Governorate, such as social policy, political and civil rights, elections to the State Duma, and judicial reform. The speeches of the deputies on these issues are analyzed, and the most active parliamentarians are identified (I. Aleksinskii, K. Chernosvitov, N. Zhidelev, and M. Komissarov).
Olga V. Kalyuzhnaya
candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Lecturer
Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Vladimir, Russia
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For citation:
Kalyuzhnaya, О. “Deputies of Vladimir Governorate in the State Duma of the Russian Empire (1906–1907).” Historia Provinciae – the Journal of Regional History, vol. 5, no. 2 (2021): 459–89,

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