A New Study on the History of Russian Liberal Centrism in the Early 20th Century. Review of Tsentrizm v rossiiskom liberalizme nachala XX veka [Centrism in Russian liberalism in the early 20th century] by N.B. Khailova (Moscow: Institut rossiiskoi istorii RAN; Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, 2022)
Full text:
The article analyzes the monograph by Nina B. Khailova, a senior researcher at the Centre for the History of Russia in the 19th – early 20th Centuries of the Institute of Russian History
of the Russian Academy of Sciences, dedicated to centrism in Russian liberalism in the early 20th century. The work under review is the first comprehensive study of this problem in
historiography. It has been shown that based on a wide range of sources, some of which were published by its author, the monograph thoroughly studies the whole complex of issues concerning organizational features, social base, programmatic and tactical attitudes, and the main directions and features of the Duma and extra-parliamentary activities of centrist liberal parties. The reviewer notes an essential role of the appendix to the monograph (which is a biographical dictionary that includes information about the main figures of the liberal centrism of the early 20th century) and emphasizes a significant contribution of the monograph under review to the study of the history of Russian liberalism.
of the Russian Academy of Sciences, dedicated to centrism in Russian liberalism in the early 20th century. The work under review is the first comprehensive study of this problem in
historiography. It has been shown that based on a wide range of sources, some of which were published by its author, the monograph thoroughly studies the whole complex of issues concerning organizational features, social base, programmatic and tactical attitudes, and the main directions and features of the Duma and extra-parliamentary activities of centrist liberal parties. The reviewer notes an essential role of the appendix to the monograph (which is a biographical dictionary that includes information about the main figures of the liberal centrism of the early 20th century) and emphasizes a significant contribution of the monograph under review to the study of the history of Russian liberalism.
Egorov, A.N. Rossiiskie liberaly nachala XX v. i vlast': istoriograficheskie diskussii [Russian liberals of the early 20th century and the authority: historiographical discussions]. Cherepovets: ChGU, 2007. (In Russian)
Khailova, N.B. “‘Frantsuzskii zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava nazyvaet menya ottsom primiritel'nogo proizvodstva’. Vospominaniya deputata 1-i, 3-i i 4-i Gosudarstvennoi dumy
I.N. Efremova. 1932 g.” [‘The French journal of international law calls me the father of conciliation proceedings.’ Memories of I.N. Efremov, a deputy of the First, Third, and Fourth State
Duma. 1932]. Istoricheskii arkhiv, no. 4 (2014): 88–111. (In Russian)
Khailova, N.B. “‘Nado bylo na chto-to reshat'sya. . .’ Vospominaniya deputata 1-i, 3-i i 4-i Gosudarstvennykh dum I.N. Efremova. 1932 g.” [‘It was necessary to decide on something. . .’
Memoirs of I.N. Efremov, a deputy of the First, Third, and Fourth State Duma. 1932]. Istoricheskii arkhiv, no. 3 (2014): 83–98. (In Russian)
Khailova, N.B. “‘Nikogda eshche on ne govoril tak otkrovenno so mnoyu. . .’ (vospominaniya M.M. Kovalevskogo o vstrechakh s S.Yu. Vitte nakanune rospuska II Gosudarstvennoi dumy, 1907 g.)” [‘Never before has he spoken so frankly with me. . .’ (M.M. Kovalevskii’s memoirs of meetings with S.Yu. Witte on the eve of the dissolution of the Second State Duma, 1907)]. Istoricheskii arkhiv, no. 5 (2010): 123–53. (In Russian)
Khailova, N.B. “‘Ya postaralsya pripomnit' vazhneishie sobytiya vsei moei zhizni’: Vospominaniya deputata 1-i, 3-i i 4-i Gosudarstvennykh dum I.N. Efremova. 1932 g.”
[‘I tried to remember the most important events of my entire life’: Memories of I.N. Efremov, a deputy of the First, Third, and Fourth State Duma. 1932]. Istoricheskii arkhiv, no. 2 (2014): 68–89. (In Russian)
Khailova, N.B. Tsentrizm v rossiiskom liberalizme nachala XX veka [Centrism in Russian liberalism in the early 20th century]. Moscow: Institut rossiiskoi istorii RAN; Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, 2022. (In Russian)
Khailova, N.B., comp. Partii demokraticheskikh reform, mirnogo obnovleniya, progressistov: Dokumenty i materialy. 1906–1916 gg. [Party of Democratic Reform, Party of Peaceful
Renovation, Progressists: Documents and materials. 1906–1916], edited by V.V. Shelokhaev. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2002. (In Russian)
Urusov, S.D. Zapiski. Tri goda gosudarstvennoi sluzhby [Notes. Three years of civil service]. Introductory article, preparation of the text, compilation and commentary by N.B. Khailova.
Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2009. (In Russian)
Khailova, N.B. “‘Frantsuzskii zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava nazyvaet menya ottsom primiritel'nogo proizvodstva’. Vospominaniya deputata 1-i, 3-i i 4-i Gosudarstvennoi dumy
I.N. Efremova. 1932 g.” [‘The French journal of international law calls me the father of conciliation proceedings.’ Memories of I.N. Efremov, a deputy of the First, Third, and Fourth State
Duma. 1932]. Istoricheskii arkhiv, no. 4 (2014): 88–111. (In Russian)
Khailova, N.B. “‘Nado bylo na chto-to reshat'sya. . .’ Vospominaniya deputata 1-i, 3-i i 4-i Gosudarstvennykh dum I.N. Efremova. 1932 g.” [‘It was necessary to decide on something. . .’
Memoirs of I.N. Efremov, a deputy of the First, Third, and Fourth State Duma. 1932]. Istoricheskii arkhiv, no. 3 (2014): 83–98. (In Russian)
Khailova, N.B. “‘Nikogda eshche on ne govoril tak otkrovenno so mnoyu. . .’ (vospominaniya M.M. Kovalevskogo o vstrechakh s S.Yu. Vitte nakanune rospuska II Gosudarstvennoi dumy, 1907 g.)” [‘Never before has he spoken so frankly with me. . .’ (M.M. Kovalevskii’s memoirs of meetings with S.Yu. Witte on the eve of the dissolution of the Second State Duma, 1907)]. Istoricheskii arkhiv, no. 5 (2010): 123–53. (In Russian)
Khailova, N.B. “‘Ya postaralsya pripomnit' vazhneishie sobytiya vsei moei zhizni’: Vospominaniya deputata 1-i, 3-i i 4-i Gosudarstvennykh dum I.N. Efremova. 1932 g.”
[‘I tried to remember the most important events of my entire life’: Memories of I.N. Efremov, a deputy of the First, Third, and Fourth State Duma. 1932]. Istoricheskii arkhiv, no. 2 (2014): 68–89. (In Russian)
Khailova, N.B. Tsentrizm v rossiiskom liberalizme nachala XX veka [Centrism in Russian liberalism in the early 20th century]. Moscow: Institut rossiiskoi istorii RAN; Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, 2022. (In Russian)
Khailova, N.B., comp. Partii demokraticheskikh reform, mirnogo obnovleniya, progressistov: Dokumenty i materialy. 1906–1916 gg. [Party of Democratic Reform, Party of Peaceful
Renovation, Progressists: Documents and materials. 1906–1916], edited by V.V. Shelokhaev. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2002. (In Russian)
Urusov, S.D. Zapiski. Tri goda gosudarstvennoi sluzhby [Notes. Three years of civil service]. Introductory article, preparation of the text, compilation and commentary by N.B. Khailova.
Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2009. (In Russian)
Russian liberalism, centrism, political parties, parliamentarism, State Duma,
For citation:
Egorov, A.N. “A New Study on the History of Russian Liberal Centrism in the Early
20th Century.” Review of Tsentrizm v rossiiskom liberalizme nachala XX veka [Centrism in Russian liberalism in the early 20th century] by N.B. Khailova (Moscow: Institut rossiiskoi istorii RAN; Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, 2022). Historia Provinciae – the Journal of Regional History, vol. 7, no. 1 (2023): 362–73.
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