Vologda Merchant Gavriil (Gavrila) Fetiev: An Experiment of Personal Archaeograp...

Vologda Merchant Gavriil (Gavrila) Fetiev: An Experiment of Personal Archaeography (About the Book by Marina Cherkasova). Review of Kupets G.M. Fetiev: issledovanie i arkhiv [Merchant G.M. Fetiev: Research and Archive] by M.S. Cherkasova (Vologda: Drevnosti Severa, 2020)

Anton V. Vsevolodov
Full text:
The study under review is the first attempt of a systematic presentation of Gavriil (Gavrila) Fetiev’s biography, the largest Vologda merchant of the 17th century and a consolidated
publication of documentary materials related to his trading and official activities. It summarizes almost twenty years of work of the author, Doctor of Historical Sciences, prominent Russian
medievalist Marina S. Cherkasova.
Anton V. Vsevolodov
Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD), Senior Researcher,
Cherepovets Museum Association, Cherepovets, Russia
Senior Lecturer, Cherepovets State University, Cherepovets, Russia
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Marina S. Cherkasova, merchant G.M. Fetiev, biography, archive, reconstruction, re-enactment, study of scroll sources
For citation:
Vsevolodov, A.V. “Vologda Merchant Gavriil (Gavrila) Fetiev: An Experiment of Personal Archaeography (About the Book by Marina Cherkasova).” Review of Kupets G.M. Fetiev: issledovanie i arkhiv [Merchant G.M. Fetiev: research and archive] by M.S. Cherkasova (Vologda: Drevnosti Severa, 2020). Historia Provinciae – the Journal of Regional History, vol. 7, no. 1 (2023): 337–61.

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