The political parties of England in the assessments of early enlighteners

The political parties of England in the assessments of early enlighteners

Tatyana L. Labutina
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In the article, the author pays attention to the debatable character of the formation of political parties and the establishment of a bipartite system in England in the 17th – early 18th centuries, both in foreign and domestic historiography. Based on the analysis of the contemporaries’ works of the era, the figures of the Enlightenment, H. Bolingbroke, J. Swift, D. Defoe, R. Steelle, J. Addison, Marquess of Halifax, the conclusion is made regarding the first parties – the Whigs and the Tories – their existence at that moment and their struggle for power.
Tatyana L. Labutina
Leading researcher
Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russia
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England, 17th–18th centuries, political parties, the Whigs and the Tories, two-party system, enlighteners
For citation:
Labutina T. The political parties of England in the assessments of early enlighteners. Historia provinciae – the journal of regional history, 2017, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 5–18. DOI: 10.23859/2587-8352-2017-1-2-1

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