The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and Its Policy Towards the Terek and Dagestan...

The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and Its Policy Towards the Terek and Dagestan (the Second Half of 1919 – the beginning of 1920)

Arsen M. Kambiev
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The article examines the little-studied and complex issue of relations between the new Caucasian state entities during the collapse of the Russian Empire and the following Civil War. The Revolution of 1917 led to the appearance on the political map of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia of a number of new state entities that fought for the recognition of their sovereignty. However, the political and military chaos in the region hindered both the internal process of consolidation of the self-proclaimed states, the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and the Mountainous Republic of the North Caucasus in particular, and their entry into the international community. The civil war in Russia and the confrontation between the Red and the White forces instigated even more contradictions. Transcaucasian countries, primarily Azerbaijan and Georgia, support both the insurrectionary movement in the Terek-Dagestan region and the leaders of the overthrown Mountainous Republic who stayed in their territory. However, any attempts to create stable allied military, political and economic relations, undertaken by the leaders of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and the Mountainous Republic, were not successful.
Arsen M. Kambiev
Postgraduate student, Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation
Saint Petersburg, Russia
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Caucasus, Azerbaijan, Terek, Dagestan, Great Britain, White Guardsmen, Civil War
For citation:
Kambiev, A. “The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and Its Policy Towards the Terek and Dagestan (the Second Half of 1919 – the Beginning of 1920).” Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 4, no. 4 (2020): 1140–73, http://

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