Family ties of the Kolyubakins, the Linevs, and the Dolgorukovs, the landowners ...

Family ties of the Kolyubakins, the Linevs, and the Dolgorukovs, the landowners of Ustyuzhna Uyezd, in the 17th–19th centuries

Mikhail N. Marov
Full text:
The article is devoted to the consideration of regularities in the process of formation of regional landowning families in the territory of Ustyuzhna Uyezd in the 17th–19th centuries. The study takes into account the mutual ties between the clans, using the example of the landowning families of the Kolyubakins, the Linevs, and the Dolgorukovs. It was revealed from which administrative-territorial formations (pyatinas of the Novgorod Lands) and for what reason the landowning families of Kolyubakins, Dolgorukovs, and Linevs were resettled to Ustyuzhna-Zhelezopolskaya Uyezd at the beginning of the 17th century. The facts of relationships and family ties between the families of landowners under consideration are identified and the reasons for the emergence of these ties are analyzed on the basis of the analysis of a number of documents from the fonds of the Heralds office (F. 286), Pomestnyi Prikaz (F. 1209), and the Ustyuzhna Voivodeship Chancellery (F. 596) in the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts, which are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, as well as of the results of the research on the history of the ancient Kolyubakin family, conducted by the author. It is shown that the family ties of the Kolyubakins, Linevs and Dolgorukovs led to the redistribution of landed property between these clans due to its transfer as a dowry or inheritance by collateral by nephews and grand-nephews from maternal lineage. In the course of the research, the Ustyuzhna branch of the noble family of Dolgorukov is reconstructed, including five generations of descendants, and covering the period from the end of the 16th century to the second half of the 18th century. The development of the family clans of the Dolgorukovs, Linevs, and Kolyubakins in Ustyuzhna Uyezd in the period between the 17th and the 19th centuries is analyzed. It is esbalished that at the end of the 19th century, of the three families to which this article is devoted, only the Kolyubakins still remained among the prosperous landowners of the uyezd. It is noted that the village of Rastoropovo in Ustyuzhna Uyezd, which survived to this day, was the geographical center of the events described in the article. The analysis made it possible to illustrate with specific examples and in detail a number of previously identified patterns in the formation of land ownership in Ustyuzhna Uyezd.
Mikhail N. Marov
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Research Officer, Lead Project Manager
RAMEC-VS JSC, Saint-Petersburg, Russia,
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Kolyubakins, Linevs, Dolgorukovs, Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya, Ustyuzhna Uyezd, noblility, landowners, family ties, landed estate, genealogical table
For citation:
Marov M. “Family ties of the Kolyubakins, the Linevs, and the Dolgorukovs, the landowners of Ustyuzhna Uyezd, in the 17th–19th centuries.” Historia Provinciae – the Journal of Regional History, vol. 6, no. 1 (2022): 18–85,

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