Historical images as a construct of territory identity: current trends in Perm Krai

Historical images as a construct of territory identity: current trends in Perm Krai

Vitalii Ya. Prizyuk
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The article examines the topical issue of using historical images in which memory acts as a construct, focusing on how and for what purpose federal and regional authorities interact with it. It has been established that today there is no effective mechanism for identifying a key historical image, studies of regional identity and the inclusion of the results of historical images identification in regional program strategies can advance research in this direction. The predominance of pre-revolutionary historical images is recorded in the practices of public history and events, which can be explained, on the one hand, by nostalgia for “the golden age,” and on the other hand, by the growing demand of the audience for the non-material culture of the regions. On the example of Perm Krai, it is shown how the construction of historical images can become a guarantee of the development of the territory and a factor in the formation of identity. The case of the implementation of the Usolye Stroganovskoe project shows how a historical image elaborated at the local level can become a construct at the regional level in the future.
Vitalii Ya. Prizyuk
Assistant to the Rector of Perm State Uniersity, Secretary of the Board of the Permskoe Zemlyachestvo, editor of the journals Universitet and Permskoe zemlyachestvo
Perm State University, Perm, Russia
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For citation:
Prizyuk, V.Ya. “Historical images as a construct of the territory identity: current trends in Perm Krai,” Historia provinciae – a Journal of Regional History, vol. 6, no. 2 (2022): 539–80,

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